Greta Good

Climate Action Zine
‘Greta Good’ is a resource I designed for young people fighting the climate crisis. Inspired by attending the 2019 Youth Climate Strikes and inspirational figurehead of teen climate activism, Greta Thunberg, I wanted to make an accessible piece of media that could both galvanise momentum for the cause and create a feeling of emotional support through community and strength in numbers.
The project comprises of a monthly zine exploring one of Greta’s speeches which folds out into a protest-ready poster on the reverse, printed on recycled paper with sustainable inks (of course).
Additionally the project offers a book sharing scheme in which authors, local libraries and participants are invited to submit books on climate, politics, activism and nature to be circulated through participating schools and youth clubs along with the monthly zines. Those kind enough to submit books to the project are rewarded for their kindness with a stylish tote.