
Music Mindfulness
The Unwind Project was the outcome of a brief set by HMCT in collaboration with Google fonts. The aim of the brief was to represent a cause through the use of music, exploring lyrics using a typographic approach on a 12” Vinyl Sleeve. I chose to explore the cause of mindfulness using The Beatles’s ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’, the lyrics of which really encapsulate the fundamental purpose and experience of mindfulness. 
I have always found music to be quite a meditative experience, especially when the mind is frantic and craves something to focus on. I did more research around meditating by using the senses and became very interested in the idea of ‘fidgeting’. Fidgeting has typically been viewed as a hinderance to focus and mental calm, but with the popularity of fidget spinners and other ‘stimming’ toys, the tactile experience of fidgeting has proven a useful tool for accessing mindfulness. From my research I discovered this was particularly helpful for autistic people and people with ADHD.
I aimed to combine the two ideas to create a meditative tactile experience of the record sleeve design which could be enjoyed alongside the music. My approach was inspired by the winding, string like hair design of Klaus Voormann’s cover for the ‘Revolver’ album (of which ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’ is the final track) and also my childhood habit of twirling my hair being my ‘fidget of choice’.